Perdono (pardon)

av thore
0 kommentarer

Of all the things I have learned through the years there is this thing about parties:you do not need a specific reason for throwing them. And one thing I learned yesterday is that in the whole of Valdarno there is an “oval weekend” (starting friday and ending tuesday) in the fall with a “fiesta” called Perdono. For Figline in Valdarno this fiesta starts every year on the first friday of September. And it ends on the tuesday with a horserace (pallio) and fireworks (fuochi d’artificio).

These perdono-fiestas starts in the beginning of August. The week after perdono in Figline it all starts again in Regello, also just about 3 minute ride from Le Buche di Viesca. So we will even manage to take part in some of that before leaving on Saturday.

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