Flipping in Montalcino

av thore
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I really love my Flip as an additional way of documenting where I’ve been. Putting together a DVD with photos after the travel seems more fun when the DVD may be given some extra life through some short video-stunts. And all that easy.

And I just love my flip so much that I do all the amateur errors and no-nos of video-shooting. For instance, I know I should not be doing all these pannings. There are several reasons for that (as my friend Aske keeps pointing out to me every now and then).

One reason is that that moving the camera about instead of just documenting things moving might making the viewers a bit seasick. I know. I’ve suffered from this seasickness watching amateur videos.

Another reason for not moving a camera such as the Flip (or anything going digital encoding) is that as soon as you move the camera you make the camera work harder, and the result will definitely be more fuzzy video.

But then I come to these beautiful places, like Montalcino, and what I would like to give you is a panroamic view. And being lazy I do not care to shoot all the still photos and Photoshop them together. So here goes four short panning flips from Montalcino. The first one is from the lower piazza where the famous winebar is found. This is the place to go if you are looking for the good wines.

And in the second panning we have moved up past that winebar and to the enoteca where we bought some wine.

In the next Flip we have moved about 10 meters from the enoteca. The reason for the short distance is not a heavy load of wine. Anyone who knows the Norwegian taxation system for alcohol knows that such a move would be real silly. Anyway, here goes:

And then, at last, back at the parking at the very top of Montalcino. Sorry for the shake-out at the end. Hope you all didn’t get too seasick.

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